Tuesday 16 October 2012

DNA diets 营养基因餐

Do you know that we are 99.6% identical to someone besides us, but the 0.4% is enough in differentiating us when it comes to risk of developing chronic diseases?


Nutrigenetics or nutrigenomics, a young and emerging area in the field of nutrition, is an area that explore the association between the nutrient-gene interactions and health maintenance and the risk of developing certain chronic disease. Although some argue that the scope of nutrigenetics should be on promoting healthy eating, improve upon standard guidelines as applied to individual, rather than preventing specific disease or curing disease. 


However there are always exploitation behind everything. There are companies that are trying to cash in via DNA diets. All you need to do is to send your DNA to them, they run the analysis, tell you your genetic variations associated with increased risk of disease A, B, C and advise you on change in diet.

世事总难免被滥用。有些公司正试图利用‘营养基因餐’ 来捞上一笔。你只需要提供你的 DNA,他们将会替你进行​​分析。然后告诉你,你的基因遗传会增加你患上疾病A,B,C的风险,从而建议你改变饮食习惯。

Experts have expressed concern over this commercial interests as they are just staring to learn and know even less about the extent to which we can modify this risk through specific diet interventions. Secondly, you will most probably be getting four different results whereby your 'DNA sample' will be sent to four different DNA-based diet firms for analysis. Most importantly, the tests are not validated, test quality and result becomes a big question mark. If you happened to come across a 'personalized nutrition plan based on your own DNA', think twice.  


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